Thanks Charlotte and Ginger...Love that you guys host Spiritual Sunday every week.
“A snake deserves no pity” Yiddish Proverb
We live in an awesome area......right next to a bird sanctuary. We're there a lot...hiking the trails.....feeding the birds.....breathing in the beauty of plants, flowers....streams.
There's one downside....'snakes.' I've seen two in the last year. Before I knew about them...I moved I tread cautiously when walking those trails. The first time, one slithered right across our path. I screamed and jumped into the arms of my terrified ten yr. old. My oldest killed herself laughing.
Now I know snakes live somewhere on the trails. I'm not sure where exactly......but they're out there. Knowing that makes me move differently....I''m always wondering if I'll bump into one. I watch the ground...especially where we saw those two snakes.
They're harmless. Still....something about them creeps me out. The second one didn't freak me out as much....I think because I was prepared for it. I realize there's a few things I can do....step back....wait until it slithers by and keep moving forward.
It's sort of like that on the faith trail.....I know there's a 'snake' that wants to trip me up...make me afraid....He's out there.....I don't know where exactly....nor do I know when he'll show himself. But he's real.... and can appear on the scene at any time.
I know he can't hurt me.....he's been defeated...but he creeps me out like the snakes in the bird sanctuary. And with him too...I've learned a few things I can do....Stay strong in my faith....hold tight to the Truth and keep moving forward.
Ladies and gentlement let me introduce to you the father of lies....
I can never forget the time I stepped on a snake when I was 8 in the woods. I was walking with a girl friend and she pointed something out ahead of me on the ground, but I was so busy flapping my gums I did not pay attention until I was upon the snake. I never jumped and ran so fast in my life.
A place where I used to work a few years back they had a walking trail and a lot of them would lie on the trail in the sun. They are cold blooded creatures and seek out the sun.
Sarah love your analogy with the faith trail. Trusting in Christ, knowing the enemy will try every which way to trip us up.
Blessings and hugs to you dear one.
G'day Sarah,
This is an awesome analogy for our daily walk with the Lord.
I can understand you feeling edgy whenever you revisit the same walking trail.
It was back in February when my eight year old son stood on a Deadly Eastern Brown Snake here in Australia (The second most venomous land snake in the world.) We were praising God SO MUCH for His loving care and protection as Jaiden wasn't bitten. If you would like to read more about that day, here's the link...
Wishing you God's Blessing dear sister.
With love and care from Kerrie. xOx
What a great analogy. A beautiful reflection on trusting God and being prepared for those "snakes"
Great post, Sarah. Snakes creep me out, too.
Hi Sarah,
Oh gosh--I am so afraid of snakes that I had to zip past that picture in a heartbeat!!!
I want to wish you a beautiful and blessed weekend, my dear friend...Your words ALWAYS inspire!!!!
Keep calm and carry on...that has been my moto for the last week...the ole' snake was trying to trip me up, to get me to look at what was happening instead of trusting in what I couldn't see...BUT GOD had different plans, to show me...I make a difference. and you too, make a my life! Thanks for living out out your faith..shining Jesus!
Love ya
This is a great analogy, Sarah. We need to remember to be on the alert, and wear the full armor of God.
My grandson has a snake and I detest them seriously! I always put Satan and snakes slithering on the ground together! They seem to go hand in hand. We had a snake living in a whole in abrick on the side of our old house. Creepy fellow would taut us. I think he met his match though cause we found his stiff empty corpse one sunny day! Possibily one of the dogs caught him! I think he was just a garden snake but still! Yuck! Great post Sarah. I was late posting my SS so come visit again! Anne
I like your analogy about the snake. Being on guard but knowing God will protect us.
Have a blessed weekend.
Boy, isn't that the truth...The evil one is always looking for a way to bring us down it seems. Good thing God has a firm grip on us. Staying alert is so important...thanks for the reminder. I believe Satan uses fear quite often to attempt to keep Christians off focus.
After raising 3 boys, I can handle about any kind of bug or spider...but snakes...I always run the other way!
Holding tightly to the Truth, the Life, and the Way...
How do you KNOW they are harmless?? I would never go back, you are braver than me!! "Resist the devil and he will flee from you". Don't remember which verse.
That is an amazing video...yes, satan is the author of lies. (I have trouble capitalizing his name). Thanks for such a wonderful analogy of the our GRAND-son calls them...sneaky snakes!!! ;-)
Great analogy, Sarah. Yes the snake, the devil, the serpent has been defeated.
Hi Sarah,
While living in Texas, I learned that snakes move about in tall grass, and vegetation. Most snakes try to avoid contact with humans unless they're disturbed or agitated.
BTW: I just read your previous post, and I hope you're feeling better.
Blessings and peace.
Have a blessed weekend and Holy week.
Ahhh, we lived in a home near fields and tall grass. We learned our choice was mice or snakes. In the end I chose the garter snakes.
What a great analogy! I'm not very fond of snakes.We always need to be aware of all the snakes in our life's.
That's a great illustration Sarah. That old snake satan loves to try and trip us up and encourage us to have fear - but praise the Lord he was defeated at the Cross.
Have a blessed Palm Sunday.
leavesnbloom photography
Blessings to you today, Sarah!
Mar 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
Mar 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
The snake analogy is really good and the video very interesing. Thanks for sharing.
I try to stay on the lookout for snakes where I live too. They always intrigue me, but only if they’re the non-poisonous variety. So thankful the most venomous snake has been defeated forever!
What an amazing analogy you gave! Something to definitely ponder for the afternoon. Thank you!
Great and thought provoking post!
Great post Sarah!
Shudder. Can't do snakes. But the words made me think. I'm holding tight to the truth!
great analogy, sarah! i'm so glad to have 'met' you... thanks for stopping by my place the other day sister. i look forward to getting to know you better.
I LOVE this! I wish that I had had internet to see it before Sunday school because my lesson was all about that snake and how he uses even those who would never willingly cut a deal with the devil.
Great video. I'm sending the link to my SS class list.
Your comment on my blog was so encouraging and touching! I want you to know that it means a lot to me that you took time out of your day to write it.
Regarding snakes, we've seen them, too...even in residential areas. May we all be alert and watchful against satan's attacks, by the grace of God!
Thanks again for your uplifting words,
Great post. Love your analogy. It's good to keep in mind that the devil's army is always watching our reactions to know how to tempt us.
I grew up around garter snakes and absolutely hated them. Nice post. Your poor ten year old. :-)
Take care and God bless.
Looks scary indeed. Great post Sarah.
A blessed Holy Week.
Great analogy! Awesome video!
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