Saturday, April 23, 2011


 Linking up with Charlotte and Ginger who weekly host Spiritual Sunday

"Those things which are precious are saved only by sacrifice. David Kenyon

Sacrifice.....I'd do anything for my keep them make them give them whatever they need.  I'd even take away their pain if I could.....and fight for them if anyone tries to hurt them.  When they want or need something.....I try my hardest to make it happen.'s what parent do for their kids. 
Sacrifice....we do it out of love. 
Sacrifice....we want the best of the best for them.'s what He did for us....
Sacrifice.....Because of how much He loves us....
Sacrifice....He paid the price....bought our freedom....did what nothing else could....

He chose to walk that road....out of His love for you and me....


Just Be Real said...

Sarah thank you for posting this along with the song Via Dolorosa. "He chose to walk that road....out of His love for you and me...."

Thank you. Have a blessed Easter with your family.

Renee said...

I love this song . . .

Karen said...

So very thankful for His sacrifice...

Judy said...

Hi Sarah,

Wonderful song to begin our reflection on our Lord's sacrifice. Have a blessed Easter weekend.


Wanda's Wings said...

Sacrifice for our children is what good parents do. I guess that is why Jesus sacrificed so much for us. I love the song. Happy Easter.

Joan Davis (Jo) said...

I am so grateful for His gift to us! The enormity of His sacrifice overwhelms me!

Blessings to you this Easter, Sarah!

Living for Him, Joan

Anonymous said...

Amen to all the above comments. Glory to God.

Loren said...

Oh Sarah! I LOVE this post and that song!! It is just so overwhelming when you allow yourself to grasp the depth of the Sacrifice that was made for us.
To know that HIS Love is as the Word says...So Deep, So Wide, more than we can imagine! Just brings tears to my eyes!

Love you friend! Have a blessed Easter with your family!

Samantha said...

So thankful for his ultimate sacrifice !
Happy Easter and blessings to you dear one.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I hope you have a wonderful and blessed Easter, Sarah!

Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

Sarah, I think about this often,how I would do anything for my children. The Lord truly wants to do this for us as well.
God Bless and Happy Easter,

Musings of A Minister said...

Good post. This is my favorite song of all of hers. Thanks for posting. Happy Easter!

Joan Hall said...

I am so thankful for that sacrifice. Blessings to you this Easter season. He is risen!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Sarah,
Hallelujah! I am so thankful for His sacrifice! Happy Easter!


Peggy said...

Ohhh Sarah... What wonderful words from your precious heart and a perfect choice of one of my favorite songs for RESURRECTION SONday! May you and yours celebrate a JOYOUS day together! May your way never ever be DOLOROSA again! Sandi Patti is my all time favorite... thank you for blessing me... I'm so grateful for the Ultimate Sacrifice of the Perfect Lamb and the Power He gives us to reflect His love to others! Glory!
Hallelujah! He is RISEN!

Love, blessings and Hug,

Tracie Nall said...

So beautiful. Thank you for sharing this good word. I needed to read this tonight.

Happy Easter to you! =)

Cindy Adkins said...

Dear Sarah,
Wishing you a Happy Easter, dear friend.

Virginia said...

May you have a truly beautiful Easter,this Divine holyday, the miracle of miracles!

Charlotte said...

Beautiful song!

Ellen said...

Thank you for sharing God's gift to us. I need daily reminders. Happy Easter! ~ Ellen

I love your blog and am your newest follower... off to read more of your posts!

Anonymous said...

It's true. Sacrifice is what love does. And I love that song Sandy Patty sings.
I hope you've had a wonderful Easter.

Regina said...

A blessed Resurrection.
Wondrous post Sarah.

Happy new week ahead.

Cindy said...

Beautiful post Sarah, I alway am thrilled to read your words. I will come listen tomorrow when hubby is not asleep in the next room. love to you.

Debbie said...

That is a favorite song of mine.

I love your post. The fundamental part of my personal testimony is the realization not just of the sacrifice of Jesus on that cross but that of a God who would CHOOSE a father/son relationship with the One who would do it.

Now, that's a sacrifice that I know I could never, ever, make. What an awesome God we serve.

Cathy said...

That is such a lovely song. Thank the Lord for all He did for us. Wishing you a blessed week.

Unknown said...

So true, Sarah! And so very encouraging. Easter blessings! :) said...

Oh I remember hearing Sandi Patti sing this in our church while I was pregnant with my first all of this rings so true to this mother's heart of 27 years. I also know that with all my efforts I failed and couldn't protect them fully...sin still knocked at our door and brought in pain.

I am so glad I know the one who took all our sins and suffering to the cross and through Him we are healed!!

Cindy Adkins said...

Hi Sarah,
I just came over to say "hi!" I hope you're doing great and that you had a happy holiday.

Rosie Nixon Fluerty said...

I love that song :)

Praise the Lord for His supreme sacrifice.