Thursday, July 28, 2016

Thankful Thursday -Possiblities

The Wright brothers flew right through the smoke screen of impossibility. Charles Kettering
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"The Wright brothers flew right through the smoke screen of impossiblity." Charles Kettering. 

I can imagine the two brothers telling each other not to listen to all the people saying things like, 'are you both crazy? You can't fly like a bird. Do something more realistic. Do something with your lives that makes sense.'

But the brothers had passion in their guts, and an idea, a dream, and nothing anyone could say stopped them from pursuing what they believed to be possible. They listened to that small voice inside them that kept repeating over and over - GO FOR IT!!!!

I don't believe anymore in the word, impossible. I've heard it many times from people who don't 'see' or who can't imagine making possible what seems completely impossible. 

I've learned that sometimes I have to shut people out who try to sway me to drop the ideas that play in my heart....that sing chorus' on the inside, that pull me to move toward to something that others claim are impossibilities for me to achieve.

It's a risk, a gamble to move forward in trying to make impossibilities become a reality. But if the passion is there, and also, faith, I believe I can do those things I can't forget about, the things that play in my heart and which seem unlikely to ever becoming reality.

I believe - nothing is impossible. Have a dream? Have an idea that you can't let go of? I say, Go for it! 

Happy Thursday, Guys.


DUTA said...

I believe we, human beings, have our limitations and so, cannot always achieve what we want. I'm aware of the slogan used in education, when a child is told "you can be everything you want, do everything you put your mind to, nothing is impossible". That's not true and it's dangerous, as the child will grow up blaming society for his failures. We see that all around us.

Lovely picture of two good-looking brothers!
Have a fabulous end of the week!

Lowcarb team member said...

Go for it!
Every time ... although we may not always achieve our target it is SO important to try.

Loved the photo you've used.

Happy weekend wishes

All the best Jan

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Amen! You described the impossible so well.

Launna said...

Nikki, I agree we need to remember how much we can achieve if we go with our gut feelings instead of listening to others who just don't believe... xox

Lux G. said...

That's so true. It seems that in life, if you set your heart on it, it can be possible.

Connie said...

Great post, Nikki! So many wonderful things never would have come to be if people always paid attention to the naysayers instead of following their dreams. Have a great weekend!

Sharon said...

How beautifully inspiring! Thanks for this most heartening post, for your words of encouragement. I have often said that my impossible is simply "HIM-possible"!! The challenge is to live out what I believe!