Thursday, March 6, 2014

Thankful Thursday

“Gratitude turns what we have into can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.” Melody Beattie

The last few days have been amazing. Actually since January things have been amazing. Some days I feel so much 'joy' my heart feels like it's gonna fly right out of my chest. I know things can't always be perfect, and too often it's a fight and struggle to get where I want to be.....but right now I'm just grateful for this winning spree. And one thing I don't ever want to do is to forget to say 'thank-you.' This week....thankful for:

-my daughter's acceptance into the university of her choice. She worked hard and all that hard word paid off.
-prison edition of In the Eye of Deception at the printers and due out next week. Still in awe how far the book has come and how many people it's touched.
-temps warming up....Okay maybe not too warm but still I smell spring in the air. Can't wait to see green instead of white.
-best friend came through her surgery with flying colours. When I heard her voice, I cheered.
-And mostly His incredible love for me that pushes me forward to reach high, to give back and to keep my heart always open. 

Happy Thursday, Guys......hope it's a great one for you.


Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Sounds like you've had quite a week, Nikki! Congratulations to your daughter! Hope you're over your flu by now and like you, I'm looking forward to some green too. Thanks for sharing some inspiration this Thursday morning. Enjoy your day.


Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

That is one of my favorite quotes about gratitude. It's so true, and a grateful person is a happy person.

What a wonderful list you have. God is good!

Sharon said...

Congratulations to your daughter! I remember those exciting days - when my sons got accepted where they wanted to go. Bittersweet for us mamas - but such a reward for our hard-working children!

Your gratitudes were wonderful - and I stand and express gratitude alongside you.


Nana Jul said...

Love that you are seeing so many blessings sista! Congratulations to your daughter and on your book!! Stopping to say thank you to Jesus....Priceless!
Smile!! He Loves you!

Launna said...

I love to hear how happy you are, enjoy that wonderful wave of life... that is an incredible feeling... I search for that again..

I have been keeping a gratitude journal and I popped your blog open and it instantly reminded me to post, thank you :)

Chatty Crone said...

Congrats to your daughter.

And congrats on your book too!

And I too love that quote!

Love, sandie

Connie said...

Pretty picture! Wow, you really did have a week full of good news. :) Have a nice weekend!

Crown of Beauty said...

Congratulations to you daughter, I am sure you are very proud of her. And the things that are going right for you, the prison edition, the smell of spring in the air...your friend's successful surgery... and yes, Abba Father's love that never fails us and is always on time! Much love, Lidia