Saturday, September 10, 2011

What I Want

Linking up with Charlotte and Ginger at Spiritual Sunday

"We need much less than we think we need" Maya Angelou

Sometimes I think I want something. Soon I start thinking I really need to have it. When I get hits me.....I can't handle's too much...I don't want it anymore.

Recently....there was something I thought I wanted. People encouraged me to go for it. But when I finally did get was too much. I hadn't realized what having it really meant....the changes I'd need to make....the work involved to maintain it....

When I let it go.....gave it back.....I felt immediate relief....and realized some things....what might be right for someone else may not be right for me. And filling my life up with things isn't what brings happiness.

I saw a woman being interviewed on the news. Her home and all her possessions burned in the Texas fires. First she cried....then smiled and said, I'm grateful. My family and I were not hurt. Now I need to go check on my neighbours.  That's what I want....what she has....a grateful spirit in whatever life gives......being content with the important, family, friends.... being alive....and caring for others. 

Praying for all those affected by Texas fires; and those hit with floods.

All that I want in my life is that feeling of peace.....


Kathryn Magendie said...

This is so true - sometimes I become all caught up in my novel stuff - but when I went to Oregon and held the hand of my granddaughter, well, I knew what is important in this life. Not that work is not important and can't fullfil us, but the need to put things in perspective is equally important!

highheeledlife said...

Your words are so true ... peace within one's self ~ is the first step towards moving forward .. we may know this .. BUT achieving it and maintaining it is the hard work. I pray that we all continue on achieving peace - so that we may continue to live simply ~ appreciate the precious gift of life and share that joy and peace with others - so that they too will "want" peace, everything else is a bonus in life.
Much love, hugs and blessings ...xo HHL

Wanda's Wings said...

God sometimes know what is best. What we want may not be what is right for us.

Anonymous said...

I totally relate...recently I thought God was leading me in a certain direction. Thought I wanted to work with this certain agency. Know what? The guy cancelled the appointment. I think maybe God is saying maybe what I want is going to be as you described. I think I may find out it is too much for me. He is trying to protect me. Thanks for sharing. Your post is another confirmation. :)


Stephani Cochran said...

Beautiful post, and I'm right there with ya!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Surely I do not want to lose my things in a fire but I know exactly what you mean. I was just telling that to my daughter the other day.
All of THIS STUFF makes me crazy, makes me lazy.
I am overwhelmed and feel crowded in my space! I want to simplify my life. Great post.

Renee said...

Joel and I experienced this recently when within two weeks our two 27in tvs broke, the dehumidifer, and the newer bathroom faucet! We had committed to not buy anything we needed without the cash to do so...and so here we were watching tv on an old 19 inc. TV and....and ....we realized it was okay. We were thankful to have this old one and to have each other to laugh together over the motto.."all things are junk" and to wait with anticipation to see how God will provide or teach us what is really important. He already is!
Love this post today and how God is still teaching me to let go of stuff!

It's Just Dottie said...

I live simply and it has given me such happiness.

Joan Hall said...

Hi Sarah:

We have friends who had to evacuate their house last Sunday because of the fires here in Texas. (Thankfully, they were all okay and were able to return home.) They had thirty minutes to "pack up their lives" and leave. However, they said the most important thing was they were safe and together. They realize that all this is temporal and choose to set their sites on the eternal.

Thank you for the prayers.

Karen said...

Beautiful post. I need to spend more time counting my blessings! I join your prayer for those affected by the disasters.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Uh-oh!! My friend and I are getting i-Pads this week, have been wanting one a long time. Is this some kind of sign?? Guess I'll have to keep my eyes open!!

Lisa notes... said...

That feeling of peace. Yes, I want that too. Sometimes it is elusive; sometimes it stays for awhile. I know it’s always found in Jesus though. Thanks for sharing this, Sarah.

Shelley said...

Great post! :D I totally know what you mean! *wink wink* Nice song choice!

Patrinas Pencil said...

Good for you, Sarah. Your heart is full of all the right things. If you don't experience peace yet, it will come. You have all the makings of PEACE. His peace is unlike any other. You already know this. But that inner peace of which you speak - is an overflow of His peace. He is the 'giver' of heart desires.

God's timing is perfect. His timetable is not like any other. Peace is inevitable, if our hearts are focused on Him.

For the past 8 mo. I have been sitting in an empty house. I donated everything in the anticipation of moving... it hasn't happened yet :) I sleep on an air bed. I use a door for a desk. (I'm pretty creative :) My landlady brought me a chair and a pan to cook dad's oatmeal in.

Except for the longterm inconveniences,I am at peace with nothing. It was like lifting 2000 LBS off my back. I'm free to breathe. When I misplace my peace or the isolation creeps in like a heavy cloud - I know where to go to find my peace. I focus more on HIM. He never fails to restore me :)

When this season of caring for dad is over, I'll be able to go wherever He sends me. Free of all the stuff that previously tied me down. Tethered no more!

"We [really really] need much less than we think we need."

so true....

I believe in you, Nikki
Patrina <")>><

Anonymous said...

These words are so true and so simple. Sometimes, because we are bombarded with so much "stuff," it can be difficult to be content with what we have. Sometimes, "having more" of anything is not a good thing. Sometimes, it's better to have less, and be thankful to the Lord for that!

Excellent thoughts, Nikki! I LOVE your writings. :)

MarieElizabeth said...

I think I saw that same woman on the news. I was immediately struck by what a wonderful person she was, and I have never met her. I would love to see the world so clearly!

Saleslady371 said...

God is showing me too that things get in the way sometimes. God and my relationships are more important.

Janis Van Keuren said...

Amen! Sarah. I, too, get caught up in the things I think I need. And then realize I really could have done without it.
Peace from God and love for our families and friends is really all we need--just like you said.
This really blessed me.

I like your new blog look, too.


Anonymous said...

So true. Simplifying is a blessing.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Hello Nicki, You know when I came out of my first marriage I had very little until my divorce settlement came through. In that time I was never so at peace. A close friend said, "how many clothes do you need? you can't wear everything at once, you can wash them and wear them again." SO TRUE... and possessions, I don't like having too much. There are so many people with nothing. We came into the world with nothing.. doesn't that tell us anything? blessings Crystal Mary

Debbie said...

"When I let it go.....gave it back.....I felt immediate relief....and realized some things....what might be right for someone else may not be right for me. And filling my life up with things isn't what brings happiness."

I so relate to this, and you said it perfectly in that part above.

Charlotte said...

So many people have lost everything in fires, floods, etc. It is a hard way to learn a great lesson. I know it puts everything in perspective. I know what you mean about wanting something and then when you get it you find you didn't really want it at all. I think that happens to all of us at times.

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Praying for Texas,too. Wonderful insightful post !

Crown of Beauty said...

Dear Nikki
This post brought tears of joy to my heart. Somehow without your knowing it, you have written a post that was like a healing balm to my heart.

Thank you for being a blessing to me again. Always.

Through your pain, you are able to write words that are words of healing.

Much love

Glenda said...

This touched my heart. "A grateful spirit" . . . that's what I want, too! And amazingly that's one thing that is available and beneficial for all of us!

Sharon said...

That feeling of peace - can't put a price tag on that.

And God's peace, the peace that passes understanding - is the peace that stands calmly in the middle of storms and fires and struggles and trials.


Michelle said...

Life is too short to live in the past.
What we need is that peace only found through Jesus.

Just Be Real said...

Nikki, great post. Words of wisdom and truth. Blessings and hugs dear one.