Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Linking up with Dayle at Simple Pleasures

"You'll not be the same person after consciously giving thanks for the abundance that exists in your life. And you will set in motion a spiritual law: the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given you."  Sarah Ban Breathnach

It's been a strange week....excitement with kids starting back to school, record breaking hot temps falling to rainy cool ones, buying a new puppy, and the start back of groups and activities. 
This week I'm grateful for a few things in particular..things like;

-puppy training doesn't last forever....soon the little guy will be able to sleep through the night.
-seeing people I've missed over the summer b/c they've been away or we've been away. 
-having my story written in an upcoming newsletter with other inspirational stories to give hope to others. The interview will happen the 3rd week this month. 
-pushing past writer's block. An award winning author read pieces of the new book I'm working on, Dancing Softly. Her encouragment and suggestions helped me push past writer's block. Since...I've been writing everyday....waking up eager to flesh out the story. 
-Creative gifts. I think He's given creative gifts to all of us - art, writing, knitting, crafting, gardening, teaching....something.  He created the big picture and He's given each of us that part of Himself that loves to make and create things.


highheeledlife said...

Temps have become a bit crisper here too! But I love sweaters, and autumn really is my favourite season. CONGRATULATIONS on the newest member of your family... furbabies really are the best medicine.

Congratulations on your story being featured ... I had my featured on the newsletter and website of Brain Injury of Toronto Society ... and the ability to share with others and give them hope and let them know they are not alone; so how makes the challenges of recovery worth it all.

That is great news that you have gotten your writing grove back.. I'm working on mine and now that autumn(change of season - beginning, like back in the school days)is here, I'm hoping to get back to it. My weekly Once Upon A Time series, on my blog is helping me to get the words out again...

Wishing you a fabulous week ..xo HHL

Wanda's Wings said...

I too am enjoying cooler temps. The puppy sounds adorable. Take care.

Cami said...

Love your thankful Thursday post - also your quote in the start of it :)

What upcoming newsletter? I want to see!! Congratulations dear :)

<3-Cami from First Day of My Life

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

What a wonderful list, Nikki. Especially loved the break through writer's block. That's something to celebrate!

Debbie said...

Since I totally get writer's block, I join in the thanksgiving for that part. And I love what you said about creativity.

Kay K said...

God gives us so many gifts each day, I love your quote at the top of your post.
happy 1440 to you

Sharon said...

What kind of puppy did you get?

And YAY to pushing past writer's block. I've faced it in just a very small way with my blog. It's so frustrating. I'm thrilled that you received good advice and encouragement. Keep strong, Nikki - you know that God is with you in this writing...


GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

A puppy in your life... sweet! Great news about your writing endeavors. You must be so excited!

So nice stopping by to visit with you!
Kindly, Lorraine

Deborah Ann said...

Sounds like you have some cool things on the horizon! You have reminded me to get off my butt and get some writing done. I started a second book too (even though the first isn't published yet).

Hey, did you leave facebook?

Saleslady371 said...

Beautiful list here!

Ginny Hartzler said...

We all have so much to be thankful for, and you are getting more and more famous!!! Maybe you will post a picture of the puppy?

Icy BC said...

A great list to be thankful! When it is compiled like this, we can see and relate to so many wonderful things in life, no matter how small.

Just Be Real said...

Thank you Sarah for posting. Encouraging.

Ms.Daisy said...

I love your thankfuls, Nikki, I look forward to seeing them and nodding my head in agreement. New puppies are a handful but soooo sweet. Glad you are past your writer's block...I seem to be in one myself and needed your inspiration just now.


Mevely317 said...

A new puppy AND a new book?!?! How exciting! I sense your smile, waaaaay over here!

Gayle said...

Very exciting on the writing! A new puppy, sweet and challenging. I adored ours when he was a tiny pup. It is important bonding time, and a time for the pup to learn love. Enjoy!

Michelle said...

I thank God for the creative gifts he gives us.
I may not know how to garden, but I do crochet Prayer blankets. Encouraging!

Pamela said...

Isn't there just so much to be grateful for? All given to us by our Heavenly Father. Working through writer's block is tough, but certainly a blessing when we see the light at the end of the tunnel.