Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Linking up with Dayle at Simple Pleasures
"I want to thank you, Lord, for life and all that's in it" Maya Angleou

I love  summer....the days are so easy....laid back....people smile and take time to chat more. The hills....valley's... ocean.....the flowers.....trees....even the grass....eye candy....brilliant colours melting into each other....the smells...the air.....This week I'm  thankful for...

-summertime - no more rushing to wake up early and dash to get the kids to school on time.
-holidays - fun trips to amazing places.....including day trips to explore quaint little towns
-BBQ's and fireworks.....amusement parks and festivals...slurping slushies and eating cotton candy outside in the warm sun.
-late nights - staying up as late as we feel....and waking up whenever we want. 
-Mostly....thankful that even though there's tough stuff we all go through....He always brings sunshine and rest and joy so we can catch our breathe again.


Sober Julie said...

I agree totally!

Teri Lynn said...

I love summer evenings at the beach with my boys. I love their laughter when they are out front diving down the slippin' slide. I love checking on the little Momma Cardinal who has built her nest just outside my bedroom window and guards her little ones with fierce love. I love.

Cindy said...

Love this Sarah, the joys of summer and slower days. I always think of parents that finally get a break once school is out. Have a great weekend my friend, and a great summer. hugs dear friend.

Gayle said...

Ah yes, sweet summer time.

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

Now, those are the pieces of summer that I love ... so I will focus on those and not the heat. :) So glad you linked up to Simple Pleasures. Always a pleasure reading your work.

Debbie said...

That's the part of summer that I have always enjoyed. Especially when the girls were growing up, I love the stop and smell the roses season.

And I really loved your final sentence or two.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I agree with everything you said!! The kids don't have to go to bed so early, and it stays LIGHT till nine! I hate the dark evenings! But I am also so glad that God's plan for me was to live where I can experience all the seasons. Because without the winter, I doubt that I would appreciate summer so much!

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Your summer sounds like a wonderful time.

Southern Gal said...

Love the list. Not rushing...Ethan is on swim team this year so it's up early every morning for another week and then we can sleep in some.

Dee said...

I love all the smiles that show up on people as they enjoy the sun and a laid back Summer attitude.

Anonymous said...

I really like summer for those same reasons :)


Heart n Soul said... a moment to catch your breathe, inhale, exhale and pause .... enjoy every moment of summer sweetness :)

Of One Heart said...

This sounds like so much fun!! I want cotton candy by the beach! I want to go to amusement parks at night! This is so cute! :) :) :)

Shanda said...

I am enjoying all this too....especially waking when I desire and having an extra hour or two before my kids get up...not having to rush to get to school, heading out first thing to water my tomatos, bike rides.....

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Great list of things to be thankful for.