Saturday, June 11, 2011


Linking up with Charlotte and Ginger who every week host Spiritual Sunday

"May today be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilites that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you've recieved and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content knowing you are a child of God....Let this presence settle into your bones and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love." Mother Theresa

The week has been sort of wild....crazy....busy. But's there....inside me....a peace.....a assurance that everything is as it's supposed to be. I used to be restless all the time...unable to stay still....and be in one place very long. I always needed to keep moving....keep going....keep running.....

It's His presence that makes the difference. And His amazing love that gives quietness....and lets me just be. There's a place close to where I live...a wide open space in the country. I drive there alot....3 or 4 times a week....just to stand and look out over the valley......and to feel the wind blow in my hair.....and listen to the quiet and to hear His whisper. I come away....always.... overwhelmed by love. I hungered for love all my life. Not being able to feel it drove me crazy.....pushed me to hurt myself in ways that almost destroyed me. But it's not like that anymore.....because of Him.....I have everything I need.... 

I am overwhelmed by love...overtaken by Your mercies. 


highheeledlife said...

Wonderfully worded ... I understandthe need to keep moving ... though I think I'm starting to slow down and coming to some form of acceptance. Wishing you peace, love, happiness and stillness to enjoy the moment..xo HHL

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Good morning Sarah,
I know the yearning for love and also sought it all my life. I knew my parents loved me but they had trouble showing it; especially my mother. God knew the cry of my heart and after I came to know Him, He brought my hubby into my life and has since blessed me with a close family; something I have prayed for my whole life. I thank Him for His love and His blessings in my life. Thank you for sharing once again from your heart and have a wonderful weekend.


Kim@stuffcould.... said...

That peace is so comforting, I need it! I have not heard that song before, it is beautiful

Mevely317 said...

For some reason, when first reading your message, a favorite song lyric (Beatles) began "playing" in my head: "Whisper words of wisdom ... let it be."
I loved Doerksen's video/song!

Wanda's Wings said...

Being content is so important. Bless you for your constant uplifting spirit.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Contentment seems to be so different for each person, I'm glad you have found it! I love the double rainbow and umbrella, now I will see this image in my head when I think of you!

Anonymous said...

Another great post, Sarah! Thank you.

Tracie Nall said...

The peace, the contentment, the quiet place in His is such a blessing.

Of One Heart said...

When I meet you, I'm going to look over that valley with you.


Lisa notes... said...

Yes, it IS His presence that makes the difference. Otherwise, there are some weeks that I just don’t think I could get through with a peaceful heart. I pray this coming week pushes you a little less. Thanks for your encouraging words here.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Hello Sarah, You may have had a crazy week but you bring across such a love and is tremendous. We all seek love and to be loved. You it is all there from God and Jesus with the Holy SPirit at all times.. Its just the understanding and knowing isn't it? What a difference it makes when we are closer to Him..the lover of our souls. xxxx

Karen said...

Wonderful--thank you for sharing with us. Blessings to you, Sarah.

Charlotte said...

His love and peace certainly make all the difference. The song is so pretty. Love the picture of all the sheep.

Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

This song is so pretty, and I love your picture today.I feel so blessed because the Lord loves little ol me~~
God Bless,

Dulçe ♥ said...

Beautiful and great you keep on whatever the circumtances... I must admit I am a bit restless, still restless.

Anonymous said...

Love the quote.....Thanks for the encouragement.


RCUBEs said...

No one else but Him is our "all in all." Just dropping by to wish you a wonderful weekend and God bless.

Virginia said...

Wonderful post Sarah….Gratitude breeds contentment and what joy will come if I can learn contentment! Praying for it daily.
Blessings~ ~ ~

Loren said...

Your Peace and Contentment flow even in your words....Doesn't it feel good knowing you are operating in the Fruit of the Spirit! :)

Love and HUGS to you my friend!

ME said...

The trust of having God close to us all the time makes you feel secured and at peace. I'm glad you have discovered your contentment.
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Jennifer R said...

Great post and so true!!

Pamela said...

Ah, contentment. So thankful for the peace that Jesus gives. It's packaged with contentment. I loved reading your words of the journey.


Teri Lynn said...

what a blessing... i too have been in a place the last few days of contentment. i've been comfortable in my own skin, okay with myself. it's an amazing feeling! i've been needing to get down to the bay-front and have some peaceful time, as well. i've been so afraid to do that for so many years because of hyper-vigilance, fear that someone will come up on me and i won't be aware. now, i am starting to hunger for the time, and that in itself is a bit daunting. but i will jump in the car, and i will get there. i will get out of my car, and i will grab a spot in the sand, let my toes dig in and breathe in the salt-water air... and, i know i will do this sooner for the inspiration of your words. thx <3