Saturday, May 14, 2011

Spiritual Sunday "Freedom"

Linking up with Charlotte and Ginger who every week host Spiritual Sunday

"When I found I had crossed that line, I looked at my hands to see if I was the same person. There was such a glory over everything; the sun came like god through the trees, and over de fields and I felt like I was in heaven." Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman.....a slave....fought for well as others. Tubman put slavery behind her....taking a risk....trusting God...and moving towards freedom. She knew the dangers.....but she chose freedom over slavery anyways.  And once she was free....she knew she had to share it with others. Again and again and again Tubman went back to help  others along that same road to freedom.

I sort of feel like Tubman. I've never forgotten when God reached down.....far down into  darkness....broke the chains that kept me a prisoner locked in shame and fear....and freed me with amazing grace. I remember afterwards standing outside....looking around - the trees, grass and hills looked like velvet. It's as if I had never seen them before. Having been enslaved....then freed felt so darn good.

Like Tubman....I want others to feel and experience what I have.  I promised Him...I'd go back....and help anyone who wants to be liberated...and feel the awesomeness of freedom. I promised...I'd tell what He that road of His amazing grace. It's taken me awhile to find the tell where I was.....and how bad it was and what He did....but now.....that's all I want to others can find freedom too. I'm so thankful He made the way through amazing grace. 

My chains are gone....I've been set free....


Wanda's Wings said...

I'm so glad my chains are gone. Beautiful post and song!

steveroni said...

Chains were severed. I escaped. Far back in the distance I viewed that prison--it almost felt as if I was running away from home. Actually...I was/am running TO my real Home!!!

Thanks, I feel as if I've visited a place of great worthiness here!

Chatty Crone said...

Have you ever read the book The Angry Sailor by John Newton - who wrote Amazing Grace? It was amazing.

Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

There are so many people who need their chains broken. Thank-you for his post and the beautiful version of Amazing Grace.
God Bless,

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is my favorite version of Amazing Grace! Hope you have a wonderful and restful weekend.

Anita Johnson said...

What a gift, to help others find their freedom. We will pray for you to do just that!

Vintagesouthernlife said...

Beautiful post and song. Amazing grace makes me teary every time I hear it.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Oh I love this song, it is what I sing for my poor suffering son at this time..He feels God has deserted him. Never so I say!!
I am glad you have had the liberation and can now witness to Gods redeeming power..

David C Brown said...

"He has sent me to preach to captives deliverance..." Thankful to be set free in freedom!

Renee said...

Oh, what a beautiful chains are gone...I am set free! Beautiful thankful you are feeling that Sarah...Praise God for setting you free.

Ellen said...

Love this song (and this message)! Thanks for sharing your heart with me. ~ Ellen

Charlotte said...

Thank you for sharing your journey. You are precious to God, and I know He is using your story to bring hope to others. If we could see the invisible chains people walk around carrying, it would break our hearts...but God knows who they are and He is persuing them with His love and freedom through Jesus. Keep sharing your story!

Esther Joy said...

I love this version of Amazing Grace. I don't know much about your life's journey, but I am glad for the freedom you have found in Christ. ...And, also, thanks for encouraging me by stopping by my blog!

Janis Van Keuren said...

True freedom--the chains are broken. And how beautiful that you desire to do that for others.


Jeanne said...

Hi Sarah, thank you for the sweet email. Sometimes I too can't post a comment. It is so annoying. Good thing we have email for a backup.

I love your post as well. Freedom in Christ and sharing your joy is wonderful. Thank you for the lovely Amazing grace music as well.
Blessings, Jeanne

Lisa notes... said...

I forget sometimes that choosing freedom is a risk, one that I need to TAKE. It is SO worth it. Thank you for leading the way in showing courage, Sarah. You always inspire me.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I am so glad that those chains are gone for you, and us too. Thanks for sharing

Pamela said...

"My chains fell off, my heart was free. I rose, when forth and followed thee." And can it be is a favorite hymn of mine. Beautiful post.


Charlotte said...

What a blessing you have been to so many. I'm so glad you share with us regularly on Spiritual Sundays.

betty-NZ said...

Great post. Thanks so much for sharing.

Jennifer R said...

LOVEEEE that song! Btw, check out the new give away on my blog!!

Barbara Neubeck said...

Hi Sarah,
I love this song and I like what you say about God's Grace. We need Him in our lives.
Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm glad you like the slightly strange things I do to amuse people.
God Bless
Barb from Australia

Nana Jul said...

When the Son sets you free....You are FREE Indeed!! You inspire courage in us...I am so very glad I have met you!! AMAZING Grace!
Love ya!