Thursday, October 8, 2015

Thankful Thursday - Faith

"I believe that God is in me as the sun is in the colour and fragrance of a flower...the Light in my darkness, the Voice in my silence." Helen Keller. 

There's a constant in my life...something that's always there...that gives me hope, makes me strong, and gives me courage. When things go wrong or when I feel lost, or worried or afraid, it's my faith that's an anchor...something solid to hang onto.

In those tough times, the dark and scary I always hear the whisper of His gentleness telling me everything will turn out okay....just trust.

Trust. That's huge but I've already seen and experienced again and again that putting my trust in Him works out always for the best. 

Happy Thursday, Guys.


Surprised By Joy! said...

Yes. Trust. Walking with the Shepard. Learning to trust. Hugs to you my sweet friend

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Love the quote by Helen Keller. Trusting in Him will get us through every hard place. Another encouraging post, Nikki. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving this weekend.


Denise said...

amen my friend.

Connie said...

Well said, Nikki. Trust and faith will get you through.

Launna said...

Trust is a huge one... so much so that I haven't really talked to 'Him" when I know He does know what is best for me... Trust...

Sharon said...

Trust is so hard for me. But, it gets easier when I fix my eyes on The Answer, instead of on the problems!

GOD BLESS! said...

Thank you for sharing this truth. My newest grandson's name is Anchor, so this touched me a special way.

Lowcarb team member said...

Trust - just five letters, which can mean so much.

...hope the new week has started well for you.

All the best Jan