Thursday, April 16, 2015

Thankful Thursday - Sister

"Death ends a life, not a relationship." Mitch Albom

My older sister died on the weekend. It happened fast and unexpected. But now that a few days have gone by, I've had time to remember how she influenced my life in ways that will always be part of me. 

I'm grateful for all the people who step into my world...some for a really brief time, others who stay years. Every encounter changes me. Makes me move in the world differently...with more compassion, and forgiveness. 

There is a definite emptiness but there's also gratitude. I'm grateful for 

-my sister's life....the memories that are a part of me now, especially her goofiness and infectious laughter.
-love of friends and family.
-my's what pushes me forward with a joy and peace and hope that nothing else can. I don't know what tomorrow brings, but I know Who brings tomorrow and that's pretty good for me. 

The link is to a blog post I wrote January 1, 2010 after my sister and I had really bonded. She loved it.

 Happy Thursday, Guys!!!!


Saleslady371 said...

A beautiful tribute to your sister. So thankful God is comforting you now. Blessings and hugs!

Margie said...

So sorry for your loss, may the memory of your sister always be a blessing.

May God comfort you in your sadness and may you be surrounded with those who love and care for you.

I will read that post about your sister later as heading out now.

Hugs dear Nikki

RCUBEs said...

My oldest sister dies before the rest of my siblings and I were born. I didn't know her but somehow craved for that kind of relationship because I knew it must be special. May your sister's love and memories always strengthen you and comfort you. God bless you sister.

RCUBEs said...

I mean "died"...Sorry for the typo

Joy said...

my deepest synpathy to you. I lost my younger sister too a few days ago, but I am thankful that she is with God now. no psin, no sickness!

Sharon said...

So, so sorry to hear this news. My heart and prayers go out to you. May God provide His deep comfort to you and your family at this time.


Nana Jul said...

I'm so glad you are holding onto to Jesus, and that you and your sister made some great memories!
Keeping you in prayer.
Love ya,

Launna said...

My dearest Nikki... I am grateful you are holding on to your faith, you inspire me daily with how much you have dealt with and yet you don't let it tear you apart... I will pray for you and your family xox

Lowcarb team member said...

So sorry for your loss.
Memories are always so special.

God Bless


Connie said...

I'm so sorry for your loss, Nikki. I'm glad that you have such wonderful memories of your sister. Prayers for you and your family for comfort and peace.

Lux G. said...

I'm sorry for your loss, dear.

She must be really proud now too with this tribute you've written for her.

May you live the lessons she's taught you in life.

Have a blessed weekend!

Margie said...

I just read the post from 2010 wonderful your sister and you both felt like each others inspiration ..