Thursday, April 23, 2015

Thankful Thursday - Brave.

"Acts of bravery don't always take place on battlefields. They can take place in your heart, when you have the courage to honor your character, your intellect, your inclinations, and, your soul by listening to its clean, clear voice of direction instead of following the muddied messages of a timid world." Anna Quindlen

It's not always easy to listen to that voice inside or stand up and speak what I know is right for me. It's especially hard when there are people who want me to be silent, who try to insist I go along with them and follow their needs. 

People pleasing is something I've struggled with. It's hard sometimes to say no or say what I want, especially if it's contrary to what others want. I've gotten much better at it but some days it's a deliberate consciousness effort. 

I'm grateful for the people in my world who allow me to be me and for every opportunity to stand up, be my own person and make a difference in my corner of the world. And mostly for the courage He always gives me to stand strong.

Happy Thursday, Guys. 


Launna said...

You are speaking to me again Nikki... I love your spirit and the message you bring...I too have to make that concious decision to make my own choices regardless what other people think... it's not always easy but ultimately it's worth it ♡

RCUBEs said...

It's hard indeed especially if our old nature is used to that. Thanks be to God, what matters is what He says or wants not what others want for me. I always tell my son, it's like surfing in the ocean. It's hard to not go with the flow. But the joy of riding the waves when we obey as we surf back to shore (Home)... I always remember you in prayers. Like what we say to each other..."be strong!" especially in the Lord's mighty power!

Lowcarb team member said...

Thought provoking post, and I really like the quote from Anna Quindlen too.

Take Care, and have a good weekend - it will soon be here.

All the best Jan

Nana Jul said...

The Lord is such a great encourager! Brave is when you're motivated by your convictions rather than your confidence. Brave is having Faith in Him and trusting He's already there.
Thanking God for you and all the encouragement you give to others &
Living Brave before us.
Have a great weekend Nikki!

Sharon said...

People pleasing is something I struggle with, too. And it's a losing battle. You just can't please everyone all the time, and it's exhausting to try. So, for me, I'm just trying to focus on pleasing The Audience of One!

I live to hear Him say, "Well done, good and faithful servant!"


Margie said...

It's always a joy to read your Thankful Thursday posts , Nikki
You always speak to my heart!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

A wonderful and thought provoking post, Nikki. Thanks so much for sharing.

Hugs from PEI,

Connie said...

Great post, Nikki. I think we are brought up to think we must try and please everyone when that just isn't possible. Saying no isn't always easy, but it is necessary.

Lux G. said...

Stay brave, Nikki. The world needs more of you. :)

Happy weekend!