Thursday, February 19, 2015

Thankful Thursday - Resilient

"Storms make the oak grow deeper roots."George Herbert

I love trees. I love the power I feel from them, especially the big ones, the strong, the solid, those that have been around for a gazillion years. 

They've endured strong winds, heavy rain and frigid winters. Some of them have the neatest gnarled trunks with knots and bumps that to me are a clear indication they weathered the storms and survived. 

This past year I've been photographing trees that are home to a variety of birds, owls, and small animals. The trees with their strength and resilience have become a safe shelter, a place of security for others. Trees are a definite reminder to me, that storms happen, but they do pass and if we weather them, we become strong, steady and able to give hope and security to others. Grateful for...

-Nature with all it's perfection and imperfection b/c it shows me how to live and move and be. When I'm outside, in the quiet, in the calm, I feel this incredibly peace and I have a gut feeling that whatever is happening in my life, good or bad, everything will work out alright. And not to be afraid.
-Opportunities to give hope through workshops and mentoring and writing. Giving back not only helps others but makes me stronger. Love that.
-And mostly for the touch of His gentleness that's a constant, a daily thing and which reminds me I am partnered with the One who works everything out amazing, even when it seems not so amazing in the beginning. He's got plans and purposes and me, I just got to hold on and trust. 

Happy Thursday, Guys.  


Terri Tiffany said...

I have really enjoyed all your photos!

Margie said...

Nature is so full of solace and I too love trees ...
Your words always touch me.

Happy Thursday Nikki

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

I love trees! I love how they soothe my soul while walking on a path through the woods. They are so majestic and provide homes for so many of God's creatures. I read your post and immediately Jeremiah 17:7-8 came to mind. Wonderful post, Nikki!


Connie Arnold said...

Beautiful post! Trees are wonderful for shelter, and God who made those trees is a blessed shelter through the storms of our lives. Thank you for the inspiration you share, Nikki!

Launna said...

Nikki, I love your words... I've come to understand that how we persevere through our challenges says much more about us than what we actually got through. Trees are a very good reminder of how much nature puts them through, yet the stay strong and firm. I love your analogies ♡

David C Brown said...

But as for me, I am like a green olive-tree in the house of God. Psalm 52: 8.

Connie said...

Wonderful post, Nikki. I love trees too. They represent strength and comfort to me. Love the colors, fruit, nuts, and shade they provide for us too.

Sharon said...

Loved this phrase: "...the touch of His gentleness." I am so hard on myself sometimes, and I need to be reminded that His grace, though undeserved, is bestowed freely and lavishly upon me.