Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thankful Thursday

“Being in a hurry....a thousand broken and missed things lie in the wake of all the rushing,” Ann Voskamp

This morning my youngest woke up grumpy. "I have band," she said. 
My eyes hardly open, I looked at the time. She had five minutes to get there.  I jumped into some clothes and we both slammed out of the house. She made it just in time, but she wasn't a happy camper. 
 "Smile,' I told her. 
"I can't, she replied. "I rushed too much."

I hate being rushed too......yet sometimes I dash through so many get it over with....or b/c I want to move onto something else.....or just b/c. 

This week grateful for - 
-the wooded trails near our home. We're there pretty much everyday. Being out in the calm of nature is the best feeling ever. 
-finally finished a short story I was working on called Twelve. Read it to a few people...they liked it. Next step....find a home for it. 
-writing....I get so lost in it....writing relaxes me...calms me down.....and the costs nothin'.
-snuggling with my kids. I love when we cuddle and chat about everything and anything.
-Mostly....for that calm I get just being connected with Him. Every time I stop, listen and hear His never fails to completely thrill. He never rushes me.....never hurries me to do something or other. He gives me all the time I need to just be. I love that.  


Launna said...

Awe Nikki... I wish I could feel that love as easily....:-/

I always love your thankful for's :-D

RCUBEs said...

He always reminds us "to be slow" in anger..."To be still...and know He's God" It's just hard living in this fast paced world...which is not His place. So many distractions...It's good to slow down, know Who He is and that His blessings truly abound. He deserved our praises and thanks and I'm grateful to be reminded of your grateful attitude. Blessings to you sister.

Connie said...

Lovely post, Nikki. I don't like to be rushed either. So much of the time the things you are grateful for are also things I'm grateful for. Have a great day!

Sharon said...

It IS hard to smile when we feel rushed, isn't it? I find that also holds true when I try to *rush* my devotional or prayer time. (Honest confession).

The lovely and the Lord can only be found when we slow down and take time to seek for them.


Chatty Crone said...

Every time and it is getting less and less - when Andy asks me to snuggle - I stop and snuggle.

Joy said...

Good to hear that you are having a nice life Nikki with God and family. And that you can do what you love most which is writing.
God bless you more.

Just Be Real said...

Thank you for bringing a smile to my face Nikki.....hugs

Nana Jul said...

Ahhh....when He whispers...I know it thrills me every single time!!
He is AMAZING...every single time!
Love ya,

Wanda said...

Immediately as I read your writing Nikki, I begin to take notice of the small things in my life in which to be thankful. Blessings to you.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

I really don't like being rushed. I don't like the stress it causes in my back. It's been a very stressful week but it's Friday and I survived all the company we've had this week. He somehow got me through it gracefully and now I'm going to relax for a few days. We even have some dessert left over. :)
What instrument does your daughter play in band? All my guys took band too. Enjoy your weekend, Nikki.

Blessings & big hugs,

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

I love the idea of not rushing. I've been in the slow lane this week, on purpose.

Anna said...

Great list!

I feel the same way about writing and nature. :) said...

I relate to this from beginning to end! Great post! Oh just walking through the woods calms me down and I too hate being rushed! May we all get use to the school schedule!