Those times I used to walk around with a huge hole in my soul still play in my head. I used to think the lonliness would kill me....and if it didn't.....the pain from everything that happened would.
Not only did I survive....but life completely turned around. Today.....I have an amazing family.....great friends.....And mostly.....His amazing peace and joy. I want to give back now.....what He and others gave to me.
One thing that made a huge difference - when someone smiled at me. Smiles...they go a long way......they're an incredible gift. I remember being in such a dark place.....then a stranger smiled at me....their kindness renewed my will to keep fighting. Their smile gave me hope.
Even today....when I'm having a yuck day.....and meet someone who flashes a warm smile - it lifts me out of that awful feeling...and amazingly turns my day around for the better.
Smiles - they made such a huge difference in my world....those people who gave them to me will never know how far reaching their simple gift went. Their smiles carried me....showed me a soft gentle side of life. A kinder side. I want to do that for others.....give them the the same kind of hope......and peace....and joy....I've been given....
I will carry you....Be your strength... pull you through....Reach for me.....take my hand
I totally agree! Not only that, but when I smile at someone it also helps me. I have noticed at church, for example. I may go in with burdens heavy on my mind, or physically not feeling good, but when I worship HIM and place my thoughts on Him, it lifts my spirit. Smiling at someone does the same thing. When I smile at someone, it lifts my spirits as well because it takes my mind off my troubles.
God Bless,
Yes, a smile is one of the many things we can give, for free, that can make others feel so good, confidant, uplifted. Too bad so many people don't know this!! It can actually change someone's whole day! I am listening to this song now, I really like it!
Hi Nikki this post is so special. Yes, a smile shows the gentle kind side of a person, and I know God led that person to smile at you when your world seemed so bleak. That smile gave you a message of hope... and now you have also become a messenger of hope to so many others!
Have a blessed Advent Season...
Hi Sarah,
Thank you for reminding us about the feeling one gets towards a kind smile!!
The journey through healing is a long one, yet worthwhile.
Thank you for posting inspirational messages to the world!! God may always bless you with showers of love and joy with all your beloved ones, Sarah!!
Merry Christmas to you and to all those you love, Sarah!!
All the best,
Poet Starry Dawn.
I love the simplicity of just a smile...yes, it can make a huge difference. So thankful for your testimony shared here.
A smile is a gift that keeps on giving..to those who receive it and those who give it! Smiling just makes everyone feel better, and like you said, it is treasured by many more than we ever realize. GOD bless you Sarah.
Amen, if you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours.
I love this post because smiles do mean SO much. I love to receive them, and I feel so much better when I give them. You're right on target, as usual!
Do you know something else about a smile - when you try to give them away you can't they always come right back. sandie
Sarah I love this post, a smile is the prettiest thing one can ever wear. I Know how it is to smile and to be smiled at. love all you give us hon, you make me want to be a better person. hugs.
May your post be read by thousands!! A smile from a stranger is most powerful, for anyone who has ever been lifted in their day by one, they know exactly what it can do. For anyone who has not needed a smile ~ count your many blessings ~ and please smile at others, you may just have saved a life.
Wishing you a very blessed evening my dear friend. xo HHL
I love this quote from Mother Teresa, "Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love." I need to remember to smile!
Remember that old saying - "Let a smile be your umbrella."
Yes, a smile says so much about the state of our inner selves. And souls who have been saved by the Lord Jesus Christ have MUCH to be JOYFUL about!
Spread it around! :)
So true. We can do so much for each other by simply smiling.
God has done an incredible work in you. You're looking for joy, for His touch in the little things, and you're finding it, which turns it into something much bigger - God's glory!
Merry Christmas, my dear friend. May Christ surround you in His love this Christmas season like a great big ribbon of love...
That is so wonderful. Who would have thought something so simple could give you courage to keep going. :)
Thanks for reminding me what a gift a smile is. I trust each one I give warms the receiver's heart with a touch of love from the One who lives within me.
Smiles do make a difference !
Thanks for this wonderful reminder !
Thank you for reminding me to smile! Sometimes it takes so little to lift someone up. Most of all, I'm grateful for His lifting love!
What a great encouraging post. I must remember to smile more. It's amazing how a smile that costs us nothing can be so important to so many.
Thank you for this reminder.
The title of that song made me want to cry. Nikki, you've given the fighter in me the ammunition and will to keep fighting- beyond the end. Thank you.
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