Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thankful Thursday

"Without gratitude, we have no wings. The highest and best freedom is to feel ever-increasing gratitude." Laura Teresa Marquez

Some weeks are fact.....they're almost perfect.. This week has been one of awesome week....a week that's been affirming..... empowering. And it's been a reminder life really does hold meaning.. I'm grateful for......

-the group of women who came to hear me speak....for the opportunity to tell my story....and to show that nothing is impossible to overcome. They left hopeful....I left humbled. And I get to do it again next week.
-Won the Barnabes Award for my writing. A sign for me...there's purpose in my writing.
-Writing ....I've written 53,000 words in my Dancing Softly story. I get so caught up in the hope I want to show...spending hours trying to string words together in a way that slides down into the heart of whoever's gonna read's the best feeling ever.  
-Friends that are kindred spirits...and like the family I never had. People like M and R and S who are there my corner....believing the best in me...They give me wings to fly.
-Mostly for Him reaching so far down to pull me out of darkness. He's the one that really gave me wings to fly.....and He's the one who truly made me a  winner. He's become my anchor and matter how dark things might get.....His Light will always eventually shine.  


Cindy said...

Congratulations on your award and on your new book in process. I am always inspired by you Sarah (Nikki)...stringing words together in a way that slides down into the heart of whoever's gonna read it....we are lucky for your honest and real way of looking at life. thanks for giving us hope. hugs.

Cami said...

Amen! Fantastic list. Makes me smile. :) Congratulations for all of your accomplishments.

I'm following you on twitter now..btw. I'm @firstdayofmylif

<3-Cami from First Day of My Life

Crown of Beauty said...

yes, there are amazing days, and weeks, and months when everything seems to be going right. I know that feeling. Life is not always bad... there are times when the sun is shining, and hope is in the air!

Thanks for this post, really such an honest post, sharing from your heart.

One of these days your new book will be published. Wanted to ask, is it going to be a sequel to your book?

dawn said...

Indeed! There is purpose in your writing friend!

Aliene said...

You are definitely on the right track. Keep on plugging on and you will get there. Blessings, my friend.

Michelle said...

Congratulations for your opportunities to tell your story. God knows the impact you have.
He's there letting His light shine through you.

Olivia said...

I am happy for you, most especially that you are in a good place, doing things you love, inspiring others...and I also want to thank you for supporting me too :) xoO

Dulçe ♥ said...

That shining does is really glittering everywhere around you. Nikki

Ginny Hartzler said...

So glad things are going so well for you! You are becoming a very experienced speaker! Love your cute bird picture!

Anonymous said...

Wow Congrats to you on the book, and having those to hold on to you as your go through your seasons found in life....and makes you a winner

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness what a wonderful post. I'm glad you are having a wonderful week. And your new book sounds like it will be wonderfully inspiring. I'm one S who loves you - sure there are others. sandie

Debbie said...

I love the way you ended this one! You are so right about His light. I'm excited for you both about the speaking AND the writing. You are getting to do two of my favorite things, and do them successfully!

Sharon said...

This was such an encouraging post. Things have been a little dim in my life lately, and I really needed this timely reminder that God's Light still shines!

Sometimes it even shines brighter in the dark.

Congratulations on your speaking engagements and your writing! That is SO awesome. God is using you, Nikki, in a powerful way - and that is because you are humbly following His leading.


Of One Heart said...

I think I've become your weekly reader. I love reading you. :) You fill me with hope, no doubt. And I get my smiles!