Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thankful Thursday

"You can always, always give something, even if it is only kindness!" Anne Frank 

There have been times when I felt that life was too hard......and to feel the kindness from someone is to breathe again. goes a long way......makes a huge difference.    In my darkest moments someone's kindness gave me hope. In my everyday moments someone's kindness makes me happy. Kind people make the world a softer more gentle place. I'm grateful for.....  

-my 15 year old. She has the most gentle kind attitude not just with her family but everyone. 
-blogger guys are the absolute best. Many of you have taken time to email me....reach out.....say hi....your smiles through your posts and emails always light up life. 
-A fellow writer - we just met and she's not only advertising my book in her cafe but is helping critique the book I'm working on. Her kindness made my day.
-the cashier in a store where I shop. That lady always always friendly......and always kind. Even if I'm grumpy when I go in, I always feel great when I leave. 
-The best is His amazing kindness that cut through my anger and hurt and  taught me how to give the gift of kindness to myself and others.


Anonymous said...

Your thankfulness makes me thankful. Thanks for being here.

Debbie said...

I couldn't agree more about this. There is nothing any more encouraging during my day (and walk) than a simple expression of kindness.

It's just not that hard to do and gives so much.

Deborah Ann said...

Being thankful is the best way to use and appreciate God's gifts!

Hey, some possible news - I might have a publisher for my book. My author coach is working out the details as we speak...

Surprised By Joy! said...

I feel the same way about you....your kindness at some of my lowest moments made my heart so happy. Thanks for the encouragement to always be kind, even to the grumpy people. Having a hard time believing you could ever be grumpy. (smile)


Ginny Hartzler said...

Yes, just the littlest gestures of kindness can often be remembered through a lifetime. And it may be the only kindness that person receives, we never know. Nowadays so many people are rude, in a rush, and self -centered.

Wanda's Wings said...

Where would we be without kindness.

Anonymous said...

Yes, receiving kindness from others is truly a beautiful gift. Therefore, I am very thankful for kind people. :)

Just Be Real said...

Appreciate you sharing Nikki, thank you.

highheeledlife said...

Kind, soft and happy people really are the best medicine in life. I'm so blessed to have some in my life and others (such as yourself) whom I have only meant in the virtual world of BlogLand, who inspire, make me think, appreciate life, remember that HE is always with me and most of all bring a smile to my day! Thank you for all you share and bring to the day of virtual Blogland..xo Many Blessings, HHL

Michelle said...

Thank you so much for continuing your blog.
It always gives me something great to ponder.

I love the photo!

Dulçe ♥ said...

So good I am reading this today. He sent me here for sure, He always does- and from you I learn or am reminded of the importance of things such as kindness- so sweet it feels to be and get kindness
beautiful post Sarah!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I wish everyone had kindness in their hearts. This world would be a happier place to be. I imagine heaven being that way.

Peggy said...

"You is kind. You is smart. You is important." From the movie "The Help". We should all say that to the people we love everyday. It would be good for us and for them.

Noelle Dunn.... A Poet in Progress said...

Kindeness is a true gift to the giver and the recipient. Xo

Of One Heart said...

:) Good people meet great people. That is what makes our world so beautiful- people like you do.