Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Linking up with Dayle at Simple Pleasures

Hakuna Matata! It means no worries. Pumbaa 

The week has been a squeeze to take  advantage of the last bit of summer....the week before the kids go back to school. When they changes back....early bedtimes.. no more sleeping in....homework....appointments...structure...routines. The laid back no worries of summer has been great.....but it's get back into routines.....and move forward into a year of new adventures. I'm grateful ......

-that the summer has been great....with awesome trips and time spent with good friends.
-for long hikes in the mountains.....through new trails and old.....
-for being able to swim, bike, be outside the the the garden.....
-for warm sun, soft rain, light clothes....drives in the country....discovering quaint towns.....celebrating fun festivals
-Mostly I'm grateful He gave us the different seasons....and change.....the leaves are starting to turn's getting darker earlier. I'm looking forward to Fall....and the leaves crunching under my feet....and cool breezes and even routines. I wonder if He gave us seasons as a way to show that changes in life are necessary. Nothing ever stays the same....but that's okay...I think each season....each stage of our lives has it's own purpose and beauty. I'm grateful He made it like this.....grateful for each season and for what each offers.


highheeledlife said...

Autumn, I can't wait for its official arrival!! To me it is symbolic of new beginnings - I think from the school days - of starting a new school year fresh... wishing you a blessed day! xo HHL

Vilisi said...

I too love seasons, although they are not as distinctive in the tropics as they are in the northern hemisphere. What I'm most grateful for is that God remains constant and unchanging throughout the different seasons of my life.I loved reading about your summer, it sounds marvelous. Isn't God good!
And that is one adorable little fellow in your picture! lol! Hakuna matata .... :)

steveroni said...

You may not need to know this--but I absolutely
L O V E "Gratitude" lists. And you've just written a good one.

Michelle said...

I am looking forward to the return of Autumn.
I'm ready to pull out my Fall/Winter clothes.
The nights are getting cooler while the days are still in the 90's.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I know it is not easy to start school back. You have a great gratitude list...from the summer to remember.

Dimple said...

Beautiful insight: seasons teach us that change is necessary. Perfect!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Have you re-designed your blog? It looks different, I like it. And I love your thought that God made the seasons so we know there must be change, I NEVER thought of that!!

Shelley said...

Love love love that squirrel picture! So cute! Great post! I am thankful for all of those things too! :)

Karen said...

We are longing for change here in the South, cooler temps! But, such beautiful thoughts & words about change you have shared. Joining you at Dayle's today for Simple Pleasures.

Gayle said...

Oh lovely... Much to be thankful for and the changing of the season always brings joy.

Wanda's Wings said...

Oh how there is beauty every where we look. It's the simple things that make life worth while.

Misty said...

Such a beautiful post, its the small things in life that force us into change.. much like a falling leaf and changing seasons.

Thanks you for sharing.


Lynn said...

Beautifully stated from the heart. Thank you for giving me such a lovely way to head off to bed tonight....feeling so grateful for the nicest people I meet while blogging. Blessings,

Mevely317 said...

How very refreshing to hear you speak of going back to school ... AFTER August! Growing up, it seemed written in stone, school began the day after Labor Day.
We've not yet broken this ridulous heat-wave -- but share your antipation! Isn't Fall the most glorious of His seasons?

Trish said...

You have had a wonderful Summer by the sounds of things :-)
I love your list of blessings and your thoughts on change.
I agree with you!
Have a great week in God..Trish

Cindy said...

Sarah your post just makes me feel happy today. I love the new look of your blog, fall is one of my favorite times too. Stop by I am having a giveaway. Hugs to you and have a great week.

Crown of Beauty said...

There is something so gentle yet so powerful in the words you write.

The changing of the seasons, the reminders around us that as time moves on, something underneath, is happening.

Life is being renewed, and transformed.

Hope is being born.

Blessings to you as you do the finishing touches on your new book.

I'll be visiting you at this blog from now on.

Don't want to lose touch.


Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

Life is all about seasons. It's wonderful to find the beauty in each one. Bless you, Nikki. Thanks for linking up.

Debbie said...

This is a wonderful list, Nikki, and I really loved how you ended it. I, too, am grateful for the change of seasons. I just recently studied the passage in Genesis where God says that that change will not ever rest/stop.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I understand the summer ending feeling...great list also.