Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Linking up with Dayle a Simple Pleasures

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more.
It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend" Melody Beattie

The kids have been at camp....canoeing, hiking, having fun. Me? I've been busy around the house.... writing...reading...and thinking about stuff....mostly about all the good things in my life....They're so many of them....things like....

-My youngest. She makes life fun. A few months ago my dgt. wanted a fish. Being cheap I bought her five little feeder fish for 20 cents a piece. They lasted a month. My dgt. said she wanted another one....a more expensive one. I splurged. I paid $5.00 for a fancy goldfish. She named it Jimmy. Who names their fish Jimmy? But my dgt. loves him...and he makes her happy. Jimmy has hung around for six months and still going strong.
-Rain. Last couple of days it rained. Not a downpour but still...rain. I think I heard the plants and flowers sigh.
-Opportunities. I've been booked to speak every month, once a week starting in the fall and in the first few months in 2012. I've also been talking with a distributor about the possibility of them distributing my book across North America.  
-Time spent with family. I've got an amazing family. I really do. I don't know how that happened.....but I'm so grateful for them.  
-His friendship - It boggles my mind that He created the whole earth.....every living animal...all the flowers.....and trees and plants and everybody in the world....and yet......He calls me His friend.....that's totally incredible to me. 


Wanda's Wings said...

Congratulations on your speaking opportunities, That is so awesome, God is good isn't He?

Michelle said...

As I read my Bible it boggles my mind that the Creator of the world loves me enough to write a love letter to me. Isn't God amazing?

Cami said...

God is good - all the time!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Sounds like your kids are having a great summer. Fish are tricky to keep alive. A friend's daughter was given a fighting fish that was found belly up on the floor one morning. Apparently he had jumped out of his bowl and no one discovered it until they went to feed him the next day. Yikes! Congrats on your speaking engagements. Hope you are having a great day. Tammy

Debby@Just Breathe said...

When my children were little they won a feeder fish at a carnival. We had it for 3 years! We don't get rain often and it rained last Sunday and I love how all the plants get cleaned, dusted off. That is great news about being booked to speak. Sounds like the kids are having a great summer. Enjoy your day!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, it looks like you could make a living from your speaking engagements now, well, exciting! The goldfish live a long, long time. Is that Jimmy in the picture? He looks a bit shocked and astounded by the camera!!

Debbie said...

Long live Jimmy the Fish! Long live Jimmy the Fish! (Just doing my best to cheer him on to long life.)

As usual, your gratitude brings out gratitude in me. I love the one about opportunities. May you continue to be blessed in that area.

Teri Lynn said...

Congrats on your speaking engagements! Today, I am particularly grateful for my boys. They woke up this a.m. full of xx's and oo's for Mommy and wanted to cuddle! What a super way to start the day :O)

Chatty Crone said...

Sounds like the world is lining up for you! You are being blessed.

Gayle said...

Oh my goodness, I am so excited for you! Your cup does overflow with blessings. Lovely to share with us today, and thank you for stopping by for a visit from Behind the Gate.

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

I'm so happy for you, Nikki. Speaking ... what a wonderful outlet for you. I'd love to know more.

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Lots to be grateful for!

Barbara Neubeck said...

Hi Sarah,
Congrats on your speaking dates.Sounds like a good summer for your family
God Bless
Barb from Australia

Nellie's Cozy Place said...

Hi Nikki,
Is that pic of your daughters goldfish?? He is so cute, now I have to say I have never thought of a fish as cute, but he really is...............
love that lil face!!

Also went over to your other blog, and listened to your video. Wow, It is so neat that you have written a book about what you went through,
because I am sure it is gonna help tons of people. That is great that you are getting speaking engagements as well. May the Lord use you in Great and Small ways to be a blessing to many!!
Blessings, Nellie said...

Oh our betta fish is still surviving also..what joy to watch a young child enjoy His creation, which always makes us remember to do the same
Yea on all your speaking engagements

Kay K said...

Family is so wonderful and GOD is so AWESOME !!!! love the fish namedJimmy !!! cute

Annesphamily said...

Always refreshed when I stop by. You are amazing Sarah. Your bright smiling faith makes me smile even in these difficult times.

Of One Heart said...

Nikki, it feels good to read you again. It feels like I'm looking at my reflection in the lake. You're a happy soul and I love that!