Saturday, August 6, 2011

It's Time.....

Linking up with Charlotte and Ginger at Spirtual Sunday

"I live in a crazy time.”  Anne Frank

It's been so hot these last few weeks that we've been indoors more...watching tv.....reading the newspapers....something we don't usually do. It seems every day there's another more horrific story that is shocking and scary. 

Abductions, murders, rape, madmen on killing sprees, global financial markets struggling, famines, droughts, killer tornadoes, record breaking heat, outbreak of deadly infections......

My sister called to say she's afraid of what's happening.....and she wonders if these are all signs of  the countdown to the end of the world. It is scary...and shocking....listening....watching...reading about everything that's taking place....

But I think there's hope.....there's an answer....a promise of something that can take the bad....and turn it into something good. I believe....

It's time for the rein of's time for Your Light to shine......


Wanda's Wings said...

Are hope is in Jesus Chris. said...

Oh love this...that has been my prayer lately not only physical rain which we are needing right now, but yes, It is time for the reign of God

Chatty Crone said...

I agree with Wanda - that is where our hope is.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Our son-in-law and his family are buying supplies for the end of the world. Very much into it. They keep asking him if we are buying supplies. We are not. I do believe that at any time our world as we know it will end. That just comes from our history and things that have happened in the past like the ice age. Our world is ever changing. I do know that no matter what I have the promise and will be safe.
I don't watch the news, I just can't listen anymore.

Michelle said...

I am totally with Debby and Wanda.

Those that know Jesus as their Savior do not have to be afraid.

Carrie Van Horn said...

Hope is a beautiful this Sarah...hope you have a wonderful weekend! :-)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Watching the news gets worse and worse! There are some who believe we are already living through the tribulation...

Charlotte said...

The children of God don't have to fear these things. We can look with expectancy for our Lord to return. Until then, I am persuaded that He is able to keep all that we have committed unto Him until that day!

I remind myself when times seem so dark, that we (Christians) are not of the darkness, we are children of light! We can be in the light as He (our Father) is in the light...

Standing with you in the light:)
Charlotte G.

Brenda said...

These thoughts have entered my mind also. I remember my parents being worried about my generation and children. How could they grow up in this world? But we did and raised our families in it. How will the next? By loving and trusting our God to see them through. Praying for wisdom then following. I have voiced the same fears this week for my grandchildren and had to remind myself of this.

Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

It is so hard for me to read the paper these days. I have to give it all to the Lord.
God Bless,

Joan Davis (Jo) said...

It is encouraging to remember that God is our hope! With every challenge and trial let's remember use that time to draw closer to Him.

God has a plan...and His plan is always good!

Blessings, Joan

Vintagesouthernlife said...

I don't watch the news much anymore either. It is so upsetting to see all of the horrible stories. I just have to remind myself that our hope is in Him and he will return at the perfect, appointed time.
Blessings, Annette

RCUBEs said...

It is scary times but nothing like new...I'm just glad that the Lord has been patient, waiting for more to turn to Him. God bless you sister.

Debbie said...

I feel your sentiments completely Sarah, and I agree that it is TIME.

Anonymous said...

It's always time for the reign of God. Good video. I would be a lot more afraid of what is happening in our world if I didn't have the assurance that it will end well for those who follow the Lord. The Bible does describe terrible things that will be happening in our world before the return of Jesus.

Cindy said...

I put my faith in god, sadly we hear more bad than the good stuff too. I wish there was more of that in the papers and on the news. hugs dear friend.

Karen said...

Sometimes I marvel that God chose US to be here at this time in history. We are going to see His glory cover the earth as the waters cover the seas!

Of One Heart said...

I haven't even known of what has been happening- must tune in more. I agree- maybe God is up to something and we'll see it soon. :)