Saturday, August 13, 2011

Don't Give Up

 Linking up with Charlotte and Ginger at....Spiritual Sunday
Miracle make-over - For all comments left at  Design Gives Back, money will be donated for a miracle make over room for little Charlie. 

"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" Audrey Hepburn

Some seems like everything's a uphill climb.....nothing's working...nothing's is tough...hard....even lonely. The dreams I hold....that burn inside....seem like they'll never happen.....They start...then stop....and make me feel stuck. 

But then.....I go the woods....or down to the lake....alone.....and His whisper...soft but clear....reminds me....He's there...running with me....and those dreams....He put them there. How can I be discouraged....How can I not trust....and know....that in time....His time.....

Don't give up.....I will shine to guide you......


Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Good morning Sarah,
Yes, He put them there and in His time they will come to pass! Thanks for another inspiring post, my friend. Have a wonderful weekend.


Cindy said...

Oh Sarah, every post is beautiful, odd but I feel him with me especially when I am surrounded by beautiful nature. sending love your way.

Anonymous said...

Sarah, just a wonderful post to wake up to...I was out blog visiting til 3 a.m.!

You are so kind and caring to do this to help Charlie's cause and others!
Angel wings for you! I am so grateful for your efforts and love.....

Hugs!..and gratitude...

Kelee & Charlie

Vintagesouthernlife said...

Beautiful post. Like the quote.
With him all things are possible.Have a great week-end.

Chatty Crone said...

I LOVE that song and Josh Groban!

Anonymous said...

Such an encouraging post. I think of cancer patients like Charlie, and my husband Ron... there are times when giving up seems easier. But they need to keep fighting. And that strength comes from the Lord and a circle of family and friends that love them!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am a Grobanite!! Betcha didn't know that! I have everything he ever recorded! But I have never seen this video, I love it. Beautiful and powerful images. I am so sorry if you are going through a rough time right now, don't give up, your followers love you!

Ginny Hartzler said...

By the way, I adore that umbrella picture, it just makes me happy to stare at it!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I agree, don't give up!

Saleslady371 said...

A great way to deal with the temptation of giving up, nature where we can see Him in so many things.

HeARTworks said...

Never heard this song by Josh Groban before. Thanks for your post. So true. we shouldn't give up or get discouraged, because we are precious and chosen by the Lord! Patsy from

Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

Oh my goodness, I LOVE the picture that you have posted here it is so unique. What a blessing that your so close to such beautiful nature. The Lord new that you would use that for your quite time,for your prayers. It's some time seem easier to just give up but that's not always the best way.
God Bless,

Kathy said...

I feel exactly the same way! Amazed that God placed such wonder in this world for us to enjoy - so glad you're participating in Design Gives Back! Happy to leave a comment!
God Bless,

Janis Van Keuren said...

Sarah, It's that Whisper...from Him...that quiets our anxious hearts. So glad He encouraged you in the quiet.
Your umbrella photo lifts my spirit just as the umbrellas are floating up!
So good to hear and know that we are loved by the One and Only!


Michelle said...

Thank you for introducing me to this artist.

I love the umbrella photo.

Don't give up!

Of One Heart said...

You're my shining star, Nikki! We won't quit- ever!


Charlotte said...

Wow, thank you for sharing the video. I love Josh Groban and had never heard this song. I have a feeling it will become one of my favorites.

Debbie said...

It's amazing the continual theme that was waiting for me as I tried to catch up in blogland today. This fit right it, and with an anthem to boot!

Peggy said...

Thanks for the reminder not to give up but to trust in His perfect timing. I needed to hear that today.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture, wonderful words.

Tami said...

Stopped by after you left a comment on my blog. You don't know how much I needed to read this post tonight. Lately I have felt that my dream has died, that I have to let it go, and maybe I still do-but I needed this. It's been a rough week. Thank you.