Linking up with Charlottee and Ginger who host...Spiritual Sunday
“Somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true." Lyman Frank Baum
I try to tell live my life like other people....taking trips....doing everyday things....fixing up the house.....entertaining more....But something in me wants to fly....and leave an imprint in this world.....a statement that shows hope and courage and faith and Him. Something in me wants to give back....and make a difference....even if it's just one person's hold them back from ever giving up.....
I still remember being smothered in a sea of darkness....with everyone insisting I needed this or that.....things I couldn't do.....and even when I tried to what they said....those things didn't work anyways.
And then amazingly.....He touched me.....and a Light turned on....and He brought me to the other side of the rainbow.....where dreams really do come true.
He's given me my hearts desires.....more than I could have ever asked for......things I had dreamt about.....had ached for.....and wished with all my heart. But the best......His peace replaced the restlessness....the angst...the shame....
It's taken me time to push past the let Him use what I lived.....but the thing I want more than anything else to give back anyway He wants....... I'll stand up even when I'm afraid...I'll tell my story.....the parts that show His greatness.....I'll go wherever He wants.....I people to know Him and the power of His gentleness.
This is my live for you alone
Dear Sarah, Someone said "Tell your story even if your voice trembles." You, too, can be like St. Paul (at the end of Acts) testifying what Jesus has done for you. You are helping others by doing that. May God help you finish your race strong! blessings, k
Love the photo. It represents hope and joy. Praise God for how He has brought those into your life! Happy Spiritual Sunday.
It is so wonderful when we find our purpose in God!!!
And you do. You save lives. You do live up to His name.
I get what you are talking about. I have always felt different. I am not satisfied with normal life, entertaining, and working on my house. When my health improves I want to do more, too. I want to give back and help others get free! I am so blessed to know you...another kindred Spirit.
Sarah, Just by blogging about your experience is touching so many people and helping them.Thank-you for that.
God Bless,
You are definitely allowing the Lord to use you to make a difference not in just one person’s lives, but in many, including mine. I am always encouraged by your faith in Him, Sarah. Thank you.
This is such a beautiful post; for what consumes most of our lives has been left behind in the desire to just serve and be used of God. I love your heart and KNOW God is going to use you to make a difference in the lives of others. It is all in His timing, just keep trusting. For God sees the heart.
I love your writing!
So encouraging!
He has brought you to the other side of the rainbow :)
Fly Sarah! Your life is a unique creation and you must continue to listen and beeee..... YOU!
Happy SS!
love, kelee katillac
I love your blog. You are inspiring and encouraging others because of the pain you have endured. Only God...only God.
I love reading how God leads you. What a difference He makes -- and we make when we obey!
Dear Sarah, I think you are doing just what you want to do. You are flying high. You are making a difference in this dark world. Thank you for sharing your testimony with us each week.
He is wonderful& to live for Him is wonderful !
Passionate obedience is what I see here, Sarah! I love it and I am still praying that every time God uses you, signs and wonders follow.
Sarah, such a beautiful post! I too have always felt different. I just desire for rivers of living water to pour through me and touch other people; to place value and preciousness on them so that they can see they are a dream of God come true!
Beautiful post. I feel like you wrote my thoughts that have poured across my mind recently. My desires, have always been a bit different and I long to live my life for Him. Touching people, helping people and hopefully showing people Him as I want to be an empty vessel He can use. I think.. do I need all this "stuff"? My riches are in Heaven right? Life is so short.. I've got one shot to do this right, after all He did put these desires in us! As you can tell.. I loved your post!
Thank you for sharing and have a very blessed week!
I know you are making an imprint with this blog.
I love that song, one of my favorites.
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