Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thankful Thursday

“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow” Melody Beattie
I'm really thankful.....thankful for all the things I've been given especially for

-His love that broke through my anger and hatred
-His grace that reached so far down to pull me out of horrible darkness.
-His gentle touch that freed me from the pain that drove me crazy.
-His forgiveness that took away the guilt and shame I carried.
-His kindness that helps me stop fighting and just be


Just Be Real said...

Thank you Sarah for your continued encouraging words in what the Lord has done for you!

RCUBEs said...

Dropping by to wish you a great day my friend. God bless you and protect you as you do the work He started in you. Take care and be strong in the Lord's mighty power.

Denise said...

This really touched my heart, love you.

Andrea said...

So much for each of us to be thankful, I am thankful for friends like you!!

Sitka has an award for you at All Gods Creatures.


Cindy said...

Sarah, I left an award over on my blog for you, it simply reminded me of you as soon as I saw it.
Loved your post. take care.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Amen! I try really hard to be thankful for all.

Wanda's Wings said...

All so true.

Tea with Tiffany said...

Powerful and healing.