Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Thank you so much Sonya-Lee for doing this. To participate in T.T. click on the link to add your name after you post 5 things you're thankful for.

This week has been nuts with a number of things going wrong. I've been feeling discouraged, worried and exhausted. Yesterday I started to think this feels like some kind of battle.  I'm really thankful to take the time to focus on the 5 Things I'm grateful for this week:

1. Armour of God: it's awesome knowing I have tools to fight against the 'schemes of the enemy' and that I don't haved to go it alone in my own measley strength. 
2. Belt of truth: knowing the truth - that He is in control even when things look out of control....and that nothing will touch my life that He doesn't allow. 
3. Shield of faith: having the ability to trust,  to let go - knowing He has already won the battles
4.Sword of the Spirit: having the Bible verses to remind me of the truth....and to quiet the crazy thoughts in my head.
5. Helmet of Salvation knowing I belong on His team, the winning team, the team that cannot be defeated.


Nana Jul said...

2 Cor 10: 4 & 5 Taking every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ...not as easy as it sounds, it takes work! You are definitely working at it and His word will not return empty!
May you rest in His strength and see His mighty hand moving on your behalf!!
Stand firm!
Julie :)

godamongus said...

God bless you; and, keep up the great work and writing! Please check out my blog-site because I want to hear your opinion about my latest Topic #13-"They would not have crucified the Lord of glory." Be sure to read all the preceding topics, as well, in order to gain the complete picture.

Jane In The Jungle said...

Hang in there friend!


Dulçe ♥ said...

Beauuutiful way to say thank you. I like the way you think!

Yolanda said...

What a comfort to know that you are on the winning team, that we are, Jesus conquers all. Praise Him!

Andrea said...

GOD is doing a mighty work in and through you.
Blessings, andrea

RCUBEs said...

The shortest comment I have for you: "Amen!"

Heckety said...

I love the Armour of God passage too! And practising it!

Denise said...

Amen, amen. Beautiful post.